What People Say
“We have been associated with Management Team of CLASSIC Alliance LLP for the past year plus and find them very knowledgeable and supportive in our growth endeavours. Their diversified experience and Global perspective add in helping our business growth and guides in Strategic direction for long term. We believe our association will become stronger in the years to come.”

Harish Srisrimal
Managing Director, Team Commotrade (India) Pvt Limited, Chennai
“I have been dealing most of the Members of Team behind Classic Alliance LLP over decades due to our association with Steel Industry. An amazing team with rich techno-commercial expertise and passion for excellence. Their in-depth knowledge of markets, particularly in Engineering, Metals and Automobile space across continents, am sure will add great value to their clients and associates.”

Rajesh Harve
Managing Director, Harve Tube Tekniqs LLP., Mumbai